

Bgs Technic Motorstandaard 450 kg
Bgs Technic Motorstandaard 450 kg
Motorstandaard 450 kg rotates 360º and can be locked in 8 positions ball bearing wheels 4 turnable plate allows easy moving of the engine - mounting points are adjustable Breedte 780 mm...


T2g-AB 9231

€ 206,23 *
€ 135,76 *
Prijzen incl. BTW, Aantal: 
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Motorstandaard 450 kg
rotates 360º and can be locked in 8 positions
ball bearing wheels
4 turnable plate allows easy moving of the engine - mounting points are adjustable
Breedte 780 mm
Lengte 760 mm
Bruto gewicht 19000 g
Hoogte 820 mm
CE-norm Ja

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